
Perspectives in Primary Care features writing from practitioners, activists, and community members representing organizations, practices, and institutions across the United States and around the world.


Protecting Foster Care-Involved Youth with Asthma in the District of Columbia

In the 17th annual Child Fatality Review Report, the DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) disclosed the death of a 9-year-old female involved in the foster care system from an asthma-related complication in 2021. While asthma is a serious pediatric condition, affecting roughly 6.5% of children aged 0-17, it is one that can be ...

Integrating Weight Management in Primary Care

The obesity prevalence among U.S. adults has increased at an alarming rate in the past several decades, reaching 42 percent in 2018 or about 110 million people based on census data. By 2035, the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. is expected to reach 58 percent, with the total ...

Reflections on Differences in Health Care Between a Kingdom and a Democracy

A hospital is often seen as a sanctuary—a bubble of refuge for local and migrant populations alike. However, in order for a hospital to provide care, it needs to rely on a health care system that governs daily operational functions and establishes rules and regulations to care. As an Egyptian-American licensed physician assistant (PA) in the United States currently conducting a clinical trial and an educational research curriculum in Bahrain, I have had a chance to reflect on the major differences, successes, and downfalls of ...

A Message from the new Editor-in-Chief: Impact, Revisioning, and Welcome

I am grateful to Dr. Rebekah Rollston, the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the Primary Care Review, for building a platform to amplify voices in primary care scholarship, advocacy, and stories. Under Dr. Rollston’s skilled leadership, what started as an online blog in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic became a robust publication of nearly 200 articles read more than 230,000 times by medical professionals, students, and community members around the world. The

Where Do We Go Now? A Question in Decolonizing Practice of Clinical Psychology in the Global South

Decolonization is a broad term referring to attempting to undo or rectify the consequences of colonialism. The repercussions of colonialism are widespread, influencing many, if not all, facets of life in countries of the Global South. As a result, there are numerous possible strategies to accomplish the goal of decolonization across various disciplines. In mental health disciplines, discussions about decolonization are "en vogue” in academia. Yet despite an abundance of research, translating this knowledge into ...

Standing for change: NASEM Forms Standing Committee for Primary Care

As a specialty that manages complex chronic conditions and preventive care, primary care has been shown to reduce cardiovascular, cancer, and respiratory mortality and extend the lives of patients. Yet the field of primary care faces an unmanageable physician workload, lower average salaries than most other medical specialties, and ...

Community-Driven Solutions for Health: Lessons from the Matahari Women Workers’ Center Healing Justice Initiative

“I just know I need to leave the job,” Bruna (whose name has been changed to protect privacy) said through the Zoom screen as she finished telling our group about the increased demands, stagnant wages, and disrespect she was experiencing from her employer. “I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure—I never had this before! If I stay, this job will just keep harming my health,” she concluded. One by one, we went around our circle, providing her with similar experiences and words of encouragement and appreciation for sharing her story. One group member agreed to help her compose a ...

The Future is Bright—Award Recipients Share Insights

Primary care is the first point of care for many. It has a direct impact on health equity and is uniquely positioned to help alleviate the impact of social determinants of health, manage chronic conditions, and help people live healthier lives. While there are physician shortages in the primary care field, there are still individuals who commit to this noble pursuit. Today, we honor recent recipients of the Robert H. Ebert, MD Student Achievement Award by sharing their insights on what makes primary care great. Congratulations to ...

Advancing Health Equity and Value-Based Care: A Mobile Approach

A major task of the U.S. health system is how to provide high-value care that is equitably accessible for the general populace. Health care is more costly in the U.S. than in any other country. As a result, nearly half of all Americans ...
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