An urgent call to bring an affordable, climate-friendly inhaler to the US
I have had the privilege of practicing primary care for over 20 years at a community health center in Chelsea, Mass. This vibrant city is the... -
Strategic Implementation of AI in Primary Care
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), especially since ChatGPT first gained wide recognition in 2022, have led to a wide array of potential... -
Integrating AI with Narrative-Based Medicine: Enhancing Patient-Centered Care in Primary Practice
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health care refers to the use of advanced computational algorithms and technologies to analyze complex medical data...
Perspectives in Primary Care features writing from practitioners, activists, and community members representing organizations, practices, and institutions across the United States and around the world.
Health Equity
Health Policy
Social Determinants of Health
Behavioral Health / Mental Health
Reflections from a Health Policy Fellow
As many Family Medicine colleagues across the United States complete residency, I find myself looking back to those challenging yet invigorating years. Residency training certainly solidified my clinical skills, from diabetes to pregnancy labor management, but also heightened my interest in social issues. Training in Western North Carolina meant working in a non-Medicaid expansion state where Black babies were three times more likely to die within their first year of life than white babies and where those struggling with opioid addiction were often marginalized. Each day seemingly brought ...
Running, Community, and Accountability to Get Back on My Feet
It’s 5:30 am, and while most of the world may still be sleeping, our community comes together, greeting each other with hugs and high fives. We come from all walks of life, running together to get in our morning miles. Our community shows up rain or shine, on the darkest of winter mornings and the brightest of summer days, knowing that by just showing up, we are helping each other put one foot in front of the other, pushing toward a brighter future.
The Role of Integrative Medicine Now: Tools in the Time of COVID
COVID-19 has affected people worldwide and sickened millions. It is no coincidence that people are looking for unconventional ways to stay or become healthy. As Family Medicine physicians who also practice integrative medicine, we are accustomed to being asked questions about wellness. Lately, the most common questions are: How can I deal with the stress of staying home/ possible illness/ concern for family and friends/ childcare? How do I improve my immune system and stay healthy? How can I get well faster if I do get COVID-19? ...