An urgent call to bring an affordable, climate-friendly inhaler to the US
I have had the privilege of practicing primary care for over 20 years at a community health center in Chelsea, Mass. This vibrant city is the... -
Strategic Implementation of AI in Primary Care
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), especially since ChatGPT first gained wide recognition in 2022, have led to a wide array of potential... -
Integrating AI with Narrative-Based Medicine: Enhancing Patient-Centered Care in Primary Practice
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health care refers to the use of advanced computational algorithms and technologies to analyze complex medical data...
Perspectives in Primary Care features writing from practitioners, activists, and community members representing organizations, practices, and institutions across the United States and around the world.
The Power of a Personalized Approach: Physicians’ Fight against Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy
“There was so much information out there, I didn’t know what to do. I just wish someone had convinced me to get the vaccine,” said a COVID-19 patient we cared for a few days after he had been transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU). Each day, we slowly turned up his oxygen. Each day, he could only manage a few words at a time as the virus, that has come to dominate all of our lives, ravaged his lungs. Every patient we have had in the ICU with COVID-19 in the last ...
Muslim Community Engagement Efforts to Tackle COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged communities across the globe to organize and collaborate for effective public health communications, and the rapidly evolving science around the COVID-19 crisis requires a coherent and cross-functional response to allow for up-to-date messaging. Vaccines for COVID-19 also present challenges as they have been developed at a precarious time in the midst of many challenges, conspiracy theories, and ...
Fragmented Medical Advice & Misinformation Hurt Public Health
Driving through Southern California during the COVID-19 pandemic often feels like going from one California to another… you get in the car in one city, with everyone around you masked, including families walking together, keeping distance from others… then you get out of the car 30 minutes later in another city, with almost no one masked, and people packed inside restaurants or standing in lines close to each other. The difference is startling.
Want to Improve COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in Rural America? Start Local…
With the COVID-19 pandemic raging in the United States, rural Americans find themselves trapped in a whirlwind of misinformation and distrust as they seek answers for questions like the following: “Is the pandemic really as bad as the media portrays?”